Green Waste

I hate to be such a nay-sayer all the time, but what a wasted opportunity Kennedy’s speech on climate change was today. Don’t get me wrong; he’s absolutely right to criticise the Tories and Labour – we still have a stronger record on the environment than them. But it doesn’t appear to have moved us… Continue reading Green Waste

The Lib Dem Hokey Cokey

Lord Tony has taken exception to Martin Kettle‘s article about the Lib Dems this Saturday. His beef is that the “modernist centrists” that Kettle is referring to are actually “Blairite rightwingers.” As usual, I find myself half agreeing with the learned Lord. Martin Kettle’s writing about the radical centre leaves me scratching my head about… Continue reading The Lib Dem Hokey Cokey

Rolling along

Curious headline for a press release: Kennedy – “This is no time to be rolling over” For some reason I have visions of Kennedy asking his shadow cabinet to remember to tie a knot in their respective pajamas. Come to think of it, that song is a pretty relevant metaphor for the current state of… Continue reading Rolling along