Never gonna give up?

Anyone else this morning amazed to hear Rick Astley on the Today programme this morning? I thought he was either dead, or exposed as a slowed down version of Kylie. Apparently he now has a 14 year old daughter. Fourteen? I feel so old! 🙁

Categorized as musings

Westminster uncovered

I had an extremely vivid dream this morning which revealed to me that most Lib Dem MPs – and by extension most of Westminster – were regular users of crystal meth. I am fervently hoping I haven’t acquired the power of prophecy (although it would be nice to have fatwas called on people who drew… Continue reading Westminster uncovered

Ming’s narrative

Neil Stockley has written a great article on the Meeting the Challenge website about developing the Lib Dems’ narrative. He makes a lot of important points and I would urge everyone to study it. This brings me back to my earlier post about narrative, and the point that the party’s narrative will be largely dependent… Continue reading Ming’s narrative