Crunches, Guido and Seigniorage

One of the more entertaining aspects of the current global financial meltdown is watching Guido Fawkes, aka hedge funder Paul Staines, transform from arch-cynic about all things political to dewy-eyed innocent about all things financial. It isn’t that I’m a capitalist-hating trot who fervantly believes that this current crisis is going to lead to world… Continue reading Crunches, Guido and Seigniorage

EXCLUSIVE: Vince Cable in free travel scam shocker!

At some point this week I may have a rant about Sandra Gidley’s extraordinary (and frankly ridiculous) co-option by LighterLife, a company which last month was caught out “conning” MPs (their words) by running a dummy charity (which has now, curiously, wound itself up). But first, it is my duty to inform you, dear reader,… Continue reading EXCLUSIVE: Vince Cable in free travel scam shocker!

Which of these two characters would you most trust with the economy?

One is an annoying talking donkey who came to prominence by getting in the face of a grumpy ogre (who goes by the name of Gordon Brown). The other is the shorter half of a former double act of curmudgeons with an interest in variety performance. And the answer to this question matters a lot:… Continue reading Which of these two characters would you most trust with the economy?