Power, Cable?

While I think making Vince Cable Chancellor of the Exchequor would be an intriguing move, it behoves on James Graham BA(Hons) – Theology and Religious Studies – to point out that “biblical prophets” rarely end up in control of things. Moses died before the Israelites reached Jerusalem. John the Baptist ended up on a platter.… Continue reading Power, Cable?

Film poll results – and an idea (DVD swapping?)

Thanks to everyone who voted to advise me of what film I should watch. The results were as follows: [poll id=”4″] I already own copies of Apocalypse Now and Chinatown so I will ensure they both get viewed very soon. There is a seperate issue about whether I should watch the Redux version of the… Continue reading Film poll results – and an idea (DVD swapping?)

Why class still matters

There have been a series of articles in the Guardian over the past week that have made it clear that class is still a very real issue and demands a Liberal Democrat response. First, John Harris wrote about the impact of right to buy on Tuesday. Then, Felicity Lawrence wrote about the politics behind Jamie… Continue reading Why class still matters