In praise of the nation’s youth

Not only did they organise together to get the Blue Peter cat to be named “Cookie” but after the BBC’s censorship had been exposed, they got their way anyway. A quick visit to the Urban Dictionary reveals their plan. The BBC producer who tried to stop them from getting their way has not only been… Continue reading In praise of the nation’s youth

Squaxxweek on the BBC (UPDATED)

This week is Squaxxweek on the BBC. Tomorrow, Phil Jupitus will be exploring 2000AD‘s origins and history on Radio 4. Then on Monday, Armando Iannucci does the same thing on BBC 4, albeit with a bit of Viz thrown in. It’s got to be more interesting than boring Labour conference, no? UPDATE: Just listened to… Continue reading Squaxxweek on the BBC (UPDATED)

My intimate chat with Matthew Parris about fisking

Matthew Parris interviewed me on his Times podcast at Lib Dem conference. On the one hand I struggle a bit when explaining the term fisking; on the other hand they spared my blushes by not including the bit I totally fluffed talking about Ming. Not sure I should have said that the conference felt like… Continue reading My intimate chat with Matthew Parris about fisking