A Lembit Blog! Of sorts.

Thanks to the diligent detective work of Costigan Quist (something which perhaps we should draw a veil over), I can reveal that Lembit’s Daily Sport columns are now available online (Warning: NSFW). So, given my call for him to have a blog, is this mission accomplished? Well, the very fact that I have to label… Continue reading A Lembit Blog! Of sorts.

Rafael, the thing about golden ages is that they tend to end

Congratulations to Rafael Behr for writing what is possibly the most complacent, ahistorical article I’ve read thus far in 2009. It’s not that any of the facts he alludes to are particularly wrong, its that he completely misses the point. Can the era we currently live in be legitimately described as a “golden age of… Continue reading Rafael, the thing about golden ages is that they tend to end

Liberal Democrats: Winslet (not) here!

According to the Independent: The Liberal Democrat leader, Nick Clegg, faced embarrassment yesterday after it emerged that his party used a photo of the Oscar-winning actress for an advert in its conference brochure – without obtaining her permission. … A picture of her on the red carpet at the 2007 Golden Globes was doctored to… Continue reading Liberal Democrats: Winslet (not) here!