A Hole to Keep your Lead Aubergine In

Jock and Vivienne have already got the IPPR’s compulsory voting pamphlet covered, so there is little for me to add. All I will say is that before Geoff Hoon decides to force this measure through, he ought to consider the obstinacy of the British. I live in a Labour-Tory marginal; I vote Lib Dem simply… Continue reading A Hole to Keep your Lead Aubergine In

Calder gets ASBO

The Mid, rather than the Jonathan variety, as Stephen Glenn has been blogging of late. Readers will be unsurprised to learn that I’m not terribly impressed by all this. It appears to be more a case of grown adults behaving like scared children than kids behaving badly. The alleged crimes appear to be nothing more… Continue reading Calder gets ASBO