Jacqui Smith: It’s not my fault, it’s my contractors that are rubbish (whinge, whinge…)

Jacqui Smith’s startling insight into how the details of 84,000 prisoners managed to wind up on a memory stick which promptly went missing: “This was data that was being held in a secure form, but was downloaded onto a memory stick by an external contractor,” she said. “It runs against the rules set down both… Continue reading Jacqui Smith: It’s not my fault, it’s my contractors that are rubbish (whinge, whinge…)

Carbon Credits

I’m in two minds what to think of David Miliband’s recent interest in Personal Carbon Allowances. As I’ve explained previously on this blog, I like the economics behind carbon allowances, but feel it could be better administered simply by selling carbon allowances to the businesses, having them pass on the cost to the consumer, and… Continue reading Carbon Credits