Quality of Life (3) – Communities, Activities and Mental Health

This is the continuation of my series of posts in response to the Lib Dems’ Quality of Life consulation paper. Part one can be found here. Part two can be found here. 16. How can we actively promote ‘good neighbour’ policies? Noting that word “actively” my response is that we shouldn’t. More equal societies tend… Continue reading Quality of Life (3) – Communities, Activities and Mental Health

STOP PRESS: Nick Clegg ends Lib Dem equidistance

With his Demos pamphlet published today, it has to be said that Nick Clegg has ruled out any chance of doing a deal with the Conservatives in the event of a hung parliament following the next election. That isn’t quite the same thing as saying he has ruled in a deal with Labour but it… Continue reading STOP PRESS: Nick Clegg ends Lib Dem equidistance

F**k you very very much, Lily Haw-Haw

Good grief. Who put Lily Allen up to this? It has become a cliche to bemoan politicians for not “getting it” but where does one start? The whole POINT about file-sharing is that it enables artists to by-pass record companies. This massive debt that Allen complains about is part of an old, outmoded business plan.… Continue reading F**k you very very much, Lily Haw-Haw