The Lab-Con Hokey Kokey

You put your right leg in, your right leg out, in, out, in, out, shake it all about… There is a serious side to all this. The degree by which the Tory and Labour camps in Ealing Southall are attempting to manipulate the Sikh and other communities is truly breathtaking. More to the point, I’m… Continue reading The Lab-Con Hokey Kokey

EXCLUSIVE: Tory Ealing Southall campaign all front? (UPDATE)

I spent yesterday afternoon and evening in Ealing Southall constituency (I would have been there earlier, but I had a prior meeting). Impressed with the Lib Dem campaign HQ, which is conveniently placed and just right for our needs. I thought that there was something amiss about the Tory campaign when I saw that extraordinary… Continue reading EXCLUSIVE: Tory Ealing Southall campaign all front? (UPDATE)