Cameron ditches green policies

(hat tip: Liberal Review) The Tory confusion about the environment deepens. The problem is, they now love the environment but hate one of the best tools we have for protecting it: the EU. Out of desperation, they have thrown themselves into the arms of a party that is deeply opposed to climate change policies: In… Continue reading Cameron ditches green policies

UKIP and Blair feel the heat

It just doesn’t seem to get any easier for UKIP, with today’s papers revealing that a) the party had already investigated Tom Wise, found problems and then sat on it and that b) one of their NEC members is an associate of BNP leader Nick Griffin – and a donor. Establishment plot to discredit them… Continue reading UKIP and Blair feel the heat

The Conspiracy Continues

The vast establishment conspiracy against UKIP now includes 3 of their own MEPs and disabled people. I particularly loved this nice bit of spin: “The association’s definition of a full candidate is someone who knocks on every door or leaflets every single house. “Their definition of a paper candidate is someone who can’t do every… Continue reading The Conspiracy Continues