Zac Goldsmith, Peter Watt and the anti-politics age

On the face of it, Zac Goldsmith and Peter Watt are two very different people. One thing they have common however is that they are high stakes rollers in the game of politics who claim to not be politicians. Writing in today’s New Statesman, Peter Watt bemoans the fact that: Working in front-line politics is… Continue reading Zac Goldsmith, Peter Watt and the anti-politics age

The Conservative Party: a better class of bonkers

It’s the 30th, so it must be the Tory conference in Blackpool and thankfully the final leg of the annual Party Conference Odyssey. Thus far, I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the relative niceness of our B&B (believe me, I’ve been in much worse in this town) and am slowly getting my lay of the land… Continue reading The Conservative Party: a better class of bonkers

Cameron ditches green policies

(hat tip: Liberal Review) The Tory confusion about the environment deepens. The problem is, they now love the environment but hate one of the best tools we have for protecting it: the EU. Out of desperation, they have thrown themselves into the arms of a party that is deeply opposed to climate change policies: In… Continue reading Cameron ditches green policies