What’s left of what I believe

The main reason I’ve allowed this blog to fall into misuse over the past couple of years is that I stopped writing about politics. While my original concept behind this blog was always to write in the intersection between politics and geekery, at some point – specifically in May 2010 – I decided I could… Continue reading What’s left of what I believe

Diane Abbott: what’s race got to do with it?

NB Sent by phone. I will add links later. The nowtrage over Diane Abbott’s twitter comment that “White people love playing ‘divide & rule’” has been entirely predictable and lamentable, with people on both sides guilty of exaggerating their positions to the point of absurdity. I’m not remotely offended by Abbott’s comment; it is simply… Continue reading Diane Abbott: what’s race got to do with it?

Does Simon Cowell have the political X-Factor?

No, is the basic conclusion of my article on Comment is Free today: In reality, the X Factor could only dream of having as many voters as we take for granted in UK elections. Ten million votes may sound like a lot, but it is only two-thirds the number of people who voted in the… Continue reading Does Simon Cowell have the political X-Factor?