Why class still matters

There have been a series of articles in the Guardian over the past week that have made it clear that class is still a very real issue and demands a Liberal Democrat response. First, John Harris wrote about the impact of right to buy on Tuesday. Then, Felicity Lawrence wrote about the politics behind Jamie… Continue reading Why class still matters

Government plan for cig crackdown is too weak

The government’s plan to make it even more difficult to market and sell cigarettes doesn’t go anything like far enough. Personally I think they need to do something serious, such as ban the word “cigarette” which sounds far too innocuous, even friendly. Surely “paper based tobacco smoke inhalation system” would be a better term? We… Continue reading Government plan for cig crackdown is too weak

The Clegg era starts here

Notwithstanding my gripe on Thursday, Nick Clegg has had a very good week. He started by putting the finishing touches to his front bench, made a series of appointments regarding reforming party structures (about which I must get around to blogging about it detail at some point), made a well-judged debut at PMQs and has… Continue reading The Clegg era starts here