Resting on the Laurels of the Doctor

Note: there are no actual spoilers in this post, but there is some speculation about this month’s Christmas Special of Doctor Who in the last paragraph. I have a confession to make: I don’t entirely get Doctor Who. It’s not that I don’t like it; I’ve watched pretty much every episode that has been aired… Continue reading Resting on the Laurels of the Doctor

It was the best of time, it was the worst of time… [DOCTOR WHO: END OF TIME SPOILERS]

So, Russell T. Davies and David Tennant have finally left the TARDIS. Their final story together, The End of Time, did a great job of summing up most of what was best and what was worst about their run. In short, they were at their best when focusing on the small scale and at their… Continue reading It was the best of time, it was the worst of time… [DOCTOR WHO: END OF TIME SPOILERS]

The Tribulations of Torchwood (SPOILERS!)

Unlike some, I’m neither a Torchwood hater or a “Rusty” hater (the habit of calling Russell Tiberius Davies “Rusty” is the Whovian equivalent of referring to a certain political party as “ZaNuLiebore”). The first season of Torchwood completely failed to live up to its potential, to be sure, but it had its moments and season… Continue reading The Tribulations of Torchwood (SPOILERS!)