Eee, those slippery Tories.

I’m still seething after Cameron’s speech on Friday. Coming in late, I won’t rant on redundantly except to add a couple of points: 1) Sometimes soundbites can bite you on the bum. Gideon Osborne on the Today programme on Friday managed to claim that a) it was time to question how the “house caught fire”… Continue reading Eee, those slippery Tories.

Is groupthink really the correct response to financial meltdown?

David Cameron has announced his party will work with the government to tackle the continuing financial turbulence, whatever that means. Nick Clegg has apparently said much the same. But is this really the correct response? There are certain instances – for example when the country is physically under threat at a time of war –… Continue reading Is groupthink really the correct response to financial meltdown?

Was Monday the beginning of the end of the Cameron bubble?

By rights, it should have been. The Tories are in a total mess over the economy. I have to admit, I held my peace on Sunday over this idea about having the Bank of England step in when banks get in trouble. It sounded pretty much identical to what the government is doing now, only… Continue reading Was Monday the beginning of the end of the Cameron bubble?