The Great Wi-Fi Swindle

Last week, BBC’s Panorama did an expose on the Scientologists, a cult that believes we are all imprisoned space aliens. This week, the same programme is purporting to prove that wi-fi fries your brain. And so, the cosmic balance of the BBC’s sensible/face-slappingly idiotic halves is once again restored. I don’t really know where to… Continue reading The Great Wi-Fi Swindle

Plaid bid to subvert the RPA fails

Plaid Cymru are crying foul over the BBC’s decision not to throw the Representation of the People Act out of the window and allow them thousands of pounds of state-subsidised advertising. All I can say to that is: ha ha. If Plaid should be angry at anyone, it is the Welsh Rugby grounds who signed… Continue reading Plaid bid to subvert the RPA fails

Guido takes on the establishment

Guido Fawkes has been given a spot on Newsnight. He asks some perfectly legitimate questions, and gets some perfectly legitimate answers, but both sides appear to be missing the point. Ultimately, it is healthy in a democracy to have people like Guido sticking their fingers in the air at the establishment. They often go off… Continue reading Guido takes on the establishment