Party funding on OK

I’ve written a piece on Our Kingdom about the government’s meaningless new party funding proposals: Hencke asserts that “The Conservatives have been blocked from targeting Labour marginals with spending that can run to tens of thousands of pounds a year by legislation which will limit all parties’ candidates to spending a maximum of £12,000 from… Continue reading Party funding on OK

Derek Conway and the passions of Iain Dale

A few points… Roger Gale describes the Conway incident as a “witch hunt“. One has to wonder why the Standards and Privileges Committee would do such a thing if that were the case, since if Gale is to believed surely all MPs would be liable for the same treatment. Surely mutual interest would prevent such… Continue reading Derek Conway and the passions of Iain Dale

Is Brown’s “incompetence” remark a honey trap for Cameron?

You have to wonder sometimes if there might be some guile behind Gordon Brown’s apparent ineptitude. Take last night’s remark about Peter Hain’s incompetence. A spectacular gaffe? Or, given that we have PMQs tomorrow and the strong likelihood that Cameron will not be able to resist the temptation to make something of it, is it… Continue reading Is Brown’s “incompetence” remark a honey trap for Cameron?