Panic! Panic! Hold on, is the economy really in a worse state than 1982?

The Telegraph has breathlessly flourished a new poll showing that the “feelgood factor” is worse than at any point since records began. In, er, 1981. What this suggests is that the general public genuinely believes the current slowdown in the economy (note, not even a recession, just a reduction in growth) is a worst economic… Continue reading Panic! Panic! Hold on, is the economy really in a worse state than 1982?

Deconstructing the Lib Dem EU poll and other things to annoy the front bench

The Lib Dems have unveiled the results of a recently commissioned MORI Poll today with great flourish, insisting it confirms that their position for an in-out referendum is supported by twice as many people as a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty. That’s fair enough, but there are two caveats. First of all, the questions are… Continue reading Deconstructing the Lib Dem EU poll and other things to annoy the front bench

The verdict on Huhne and Clegg’s fuzzy polls

Oh dear, it’s all starting to get very silly indeed. First of all, there is this “independent” poll put out by Team Huhne, which indicates a huge surge for Huhne in the last few days. I emailed them to ask the identity of these pollsters, only to be asked to ring Anna Werrin (Huhne’s campaign… Continue reading The verdict on Huhne and Clegg’s fuzzy polls