Reflections on the fall of Chairman Campbell

In light of yesterday’s events, I suppose people must think I look rather foolish for taking the Observer to task over its reporting of the plot against Ming. Fair enough, but my point still holds. Both of those articles suggested that MPs were plotting a coup, yet neither of them included a direct quote from… Continue reading Reflections on the fall of Chairman Campbell

Another letter to the Observer’s Readers’ Editor

Dear Mr Pritchard, Last week I wrote to you to complain about an unsubstantiated claim made by Jo Revill in an article that MPs were plotting to replace Sir Menzies as leader of the Liberal Democrats. I did not receive a reply (original message below). This week I am writing to you about the same… Continue reading Another letter to the Observer’s Readers’ Editor

A letter to the Observer’s Readers’ Editor

Dear Mr Pritchard, In Jo Revill’s article (Labour critics blame Balls and Alexander), she makes the following statement: But there are now also questions over the fate of the Liberal Democrat leader, Sir Ming Campbell, 66, who has failed to push up his party’s fortunes in the opinion polls in recent months. He was chosen… Continue reading A letter to the Observer’s Readers’ Editor