Recoil at recall!

Bad law is often passed when people encounter a problem, seize on a solution and wed themselves to it regardless of the unintended consequences. It’s the sort of kneejerk reaction we see from our Labour and Tory rivals all the time. Sadly, Antony Hook and Duncan Borrowman have done this over the “solution” of recall… Continue reading Recoil at recall!

The new flag for a vassal state?

Millennium reminded me of something I’ve been meaning to blog about for a while now. The Ministry of Justice’s Governance of Britain initiative now has a logo (pictured). Is it my imagination or does it look rather like an airstrip? Given Gordon Brown’s avowed Atlanticism and scandalous adoption of Son of Star Wars by press… Continue reading The new flag for a vassal state?

Jeremy Hargreaves and Paul Walter get in a muddle…

Okay. It’s late, I’m tired, and so I’ll try to be as brief as I can. First of all Paul Walter: So please tell me which provisions of the proposed EU Treaty result in transfers of sovereignty from the UK to the EU significant enough to warrant a national referendum and to justify the title… Continue reading Jeremy Hargreaves and Paul Walter get in a muddle…