2009: worst local elections ever?

I wrote a short piece on the local elections on CiF yesterday, which is now live. At the time I was struggling to come up with a proper assessment of how the Lib Dems had done in the local elections so mostly concentrated on the departure of Lord Rennard, but I did write this: The… Continue reading 2009: worst local elections ever?

Comment is Free: Has Nick Clegg finally cracked it?

If you haven’t seen it yet, my latest article on Comment is Free is now up: There is still more work to be done. I still think we need to do more about social justice and child poverty; improving education and tax cuts on people with low incomes is certainly necessary but not sufficient. But… Continue reading Comment is Free: Has Nick Clegg finally cracked it?

Commenting Freely on Nick Clegg

My article on Clegg’s Demos speech is now up on Comment is Free: At a time when the Department for Work and Pensions is to be put under renewed pressure, limiting talk of social justice to tax cuts is unconvincing. What’s worse, it is clearly failing to win people over. Today’s ICM poll may show… Continue reading Commenting Freely on Nick Clegg