To prevent a riot, it was necessary to cause one

Very busy at the moment and haven’t had time to sit down and really work out what I think about the police handling of the protests on Wednesday. So instead, here are a few random links. First, an eye witness account by Tom Brake: Danny Finkelstein thoroughly disapproved of Brake and company doing this, as… Continue reading To prevent a riot, it was necessary to cause one

Rafael, the thing about golden ages is that they tend to end

Congratulations to Rafael Behr for writing what is possibly the most complacent, ahistorical article I’ve read thus far in 2009. It’s not that any of the facts he alludes to are particularly wrong, its that he completely misses the point. Can the era we currently live in be legitimately described as a “golden age of… Continue reading Rafael, the thing about golden ages is that they tend to end

The Davies Agenda (sic)

David Davies MP has called for “abusive protests against serving military personnel” to be outlawed. Davies has modelled himself as a staunch opponent of political correctness, but the truth is that he – like most people obsessed with the horrors of PC – is all for it really. He just has different political priorities. It… Continue reading The Davies Agenda (sic)