Europe, turnout, the BNP, the Greens and fair votes

I’ve just got back from an hour’s stint on LBC talking about Yurp. Myself and fellow guest Hugo Brady from the Centre of European Reform were both under the impression we were there to discuss how the European Parliament works and the elections themselves. Instead we found ourselves being asked to mount a full frontal… Continue reading Europe, turnout, the BNP, the Greens and fair votes


A couple of days ago I heard about this new LOLGRIFFIN thing and thought I’d have a go. First I came up with this: But apparently it had to be related to this Nick Griffin feller. So I did this: moar funny pictures … but it didn’t make the grade either. Pfff…

How to make UKIP look good…

Well done Buster Mottram for handing Nigel Farage a bit of a propaganda coup: UKIP says it has “unanimously rejected” an offer from the British National Party for an electoral pact at next year’s European elections. It says ex-tennis star Buster Mottram, a UKIP member who claimed to represent the BNP, made the “astonishing offer”… Continue reading How to make UKIP look good…