Judge Dredd Snapshots: Dredd Angel part 3 (prog 379)

It’s the same every town I go into! Some cheap punks a-lookin’ fer a rep – thnk they kin outbutt Mean Machine Angel! A man gits mighty tired of it! A normal man, that is! Me, I ain’t normal! Mean Machine Script: John Wagner & Alan Grant (as T.B. Grover); Artist: Ron Smith; Letters: Tom Frame Plot… Continue reading Judge Dredd Snapshots: Dredd Angel part 3 (prog 379)

Judge Dredd Snapshots: Shanty Town part 4 (prog 303)

Shaver here. Rear access still secure. Stub got Ock’s arm though! What the heck! I needed to lose a little weight! Judges Shaver and Ocks Script: John Wagner & Alan Grant (as T.B. Grover); Artist: Ron Smith; Letters: Tom Frame Plot Summary Judge Dredd has formed a squad of judges to clean up a shanty town that… Continue reading Judge Dredd Snapshots: Shanty Town part 4 (prog 303)

Judge Dredd Snapshots: The Game Show Show part 1 (prog 278)

Being a game show host has always been my dream! I’ll learn some bad jokes – have my mouth moulded into an inane grin – anything! Barry Dreery Script: John Wagner & Alan Grant (as T.B. Grover); Artist: Jose Casanovas & Jose Casanovas Junior; Letters: Tom Frame Plot Summary Dredd is given the task of investigating the… Continue reading Judge Dredd Snapshots: The Game Show Show part 1 (prog 278)