I’d … I’d like a piece of Mr Armstrong with a sprig of parsley and lemon sauce, just like you did him for the captain. It… it sounded so good but I… I don’t suppose you’ve got any left. Well yet supposes wrong! I’ve got a whole half torso right here in me freezer! Chopper… Continue reading Judge Dredd Snapshots: Oz part 12 (prog 556)
Category: Dredd Stuff
Judge Dredd Snapshots: Revolution part 2 (prog 532)
Democracy is a cancer eating at the heart of our society. Any action we have to take to stamp it out – however regrettable – is justified. Judge Dredd Date: 25 July 1987 Script: John Wagner & Alan Grant; Artist: John Higgins; Letters: Tom Frame Plot Summary Judge Dredd has been tasked by Chief Judge Silver to… Continue reading Judge Dredd Snapshots: Revolution part 2 (prog 532)
Judge Dredd Snapshots: Gribligs part 1 (prog 464)
Chee chee cheee! Cleopatra the griblig Date: 5 April 1986 Script: John Wagner & Alan Grant (as T.B. Grover); Artist: Barry Kitson; Letters: Tom Frame Plot Summary While processing Anwar Duglan at a local Justice Department Sector House for posession of vi slugs (illegal violent videos), the perp attempts to plea bargain by ratting on his fellow… Continue reading Judge Dredd Snapshots: Gribligs part 1 (prog 464)