The Davies Agenda (sic)

David Davies MP has called for “abusive protests against serving military personnel” to be outlawed. Davies has modelled himself as a staunch opponent of political correctness, but the truth is that he – like most people obsessed with the horrors of PC – is all for it really. He just has different political priorities. It… Continue reading The Davies Agenda (sic)

My Watchmen Review (SPOILERS)

For me, there was one scene in the new Watchmen film that summed up its inherent wrongness (spoiler alert): if you’ve read the comic you will know that Rorschach is thrown in jail and escapes (with a bit of help from Dan “Nite Owl II” Dreiberg and Laurie “Silk Spectre II” Juspeczyk) during a riot.… Continue reading My Watchmen Review (SPOILERS)