Being clear about the SWP

What is Alex Harrowell on? He has taken it upon himself to take me to task for calling Respect-cum-Conservative defector Ahmed Hussain a “socialist jihadist“, describing me as “offensive, stupid, illiberal and anti-democratic, not to mention libellous.” Well, I’ve been called worse. If I had been shooting a little less from the lip, I would… Continue reading Being clear about the SWP

Charley Junior’s School Days

I’ve just come across this public information film from 1949 (or try here) about the post-war education reforms. With hindsight, I’m a bit ambivalent about the politics, but the sentiment is touching, and the quality of the animation is breath-taking. Remember: this is a public information film. I was looking for a different one involving… Continue reading Charley Junior’s School Days

Oliver Kamm: wrong then, wrong now

Oliver Kamm is predicting doom and gloom about political blogs again: The blogosphere, in short, is a reliable vehicle for the coagulation of opinion and the poisoning of debate. It is a fact of civic life that is changing how politics is conducted – overwhelmingly for the worse, and with no one accountable for the… Continue reading Oliver Kamm: wrong then, wrong now