New Conservatives, Same Old Tories

It would emerge that the aforementioned Cllr Brian Gordon has got into trouble before for comparing immigrants to garbage. Meanwhile, Davey Cameron himself is in hot water for breaching Parliamentary Standards. Presumably heads will roll in his office? Don’t hold your breath. That non-partisan Guido Fawkes, who fearlessly attacks all political sleaze and flummery, has… Continue reading New Conservatives, Same Old Tories

Blue Peter Corrupt – Official

The BBC have truly lost it. Druggie presenters is one thing. Cynical competitive parents buying Blue Peter badges on eBay is quite another. But for Blue Peter to be involved in fixing a competition is, well, tantamount to defecating over the UK’s collective childhood experience. An apology is not nearly enough. The entire production team… Continue reading Blue Peter Corrupt – Official

Graham’s Law

Inspired by Godwin’s Law, I’ve decided to declare a new principle: As a political row involving any Jewish actors, no matter how tangentially, grows longer, the probability that someone will claim anti-semitism approaches one. Apparently, for example, the cash-for-honours investigation is now officially anti-semitism. This would be rather more believable were it not for the… Continue reading Graham’s Law