Local elections comment on Comment is Free

FYI: Overall, I feel the party has turned a corner in this election. The optimism amongst the people I’ve spoken to is much higher than it was 12 months ago. The drop in share of the vote from 2004 has not been replicated by a drop in seats. … It’s been a rough couple of… Continue reading Local elections comment on Comment is Free

Localism: the first big test?

The battlelines over localism are being formed in Scotland. What happens there directly affects the debate over decentralisation in England. I haven’t been following this closely but my understanding is this: the SNP, which over time plan to replace council tax with a system of local income tax, have worked out a deal with local… Continue reading Localism: the first big test?

Cunning stunt? Buy a calculator

A few days late on this one, but I have been meaning to follow up on this article about Grant Shapp’s cunning stunt over the Christmas holidays: “Our plan would build more houses than the Government. But the way to do it is not to do it in a centrally planned way. That has always… Continue reading Cunning stunt? Buy a calculator