Random points about the London elections

I have a few things to get off my chest regarding the London elections and so I thought I would include them as a miscellenia rather than write seperate blog posts about them. Bozza and the bloke factor One thing that continues to perturb me is the rapid rewriting of history from the side of… Continue reading Random points about the London elections

Does your Mayoral candidate pass the 7/7 test?

Wondering which way to vote in May’s London Mayoral election? Allow me to suggest this simple test: Pick a candidate and try and imagine what they would be like handling a crisis such as 7/7. Actually, you don’t need to do that with Livingstone. Love him or hate him, he’s already done this: Brian Paddick?… Continue reading Does your Mayoral candidate pass the 7/7 test?

Beware Livingstone supporters claiming you have no choice

Ken Livingstone supporters moving into the clothes peg business. Remember Polly Toynbee’s exhortation in the run up to the general election that people should vote Labour not because they were any good but because the Tories were worse? Well, it seems that Livingstone supporters have started a similar tactic. Seumus Milne, acknowledging that there is… Continue reading Beware Livingstone supporters claiming you have no choice