Judge Dredd Snapshots: Judge Death Lives Part 1 (prog 224)

Is she dead? No-one knows – and no-one will ever know. We can never release her – never risk Judge Death stalking the city again! A tourist and Tour Guide Judge Sturmey Script: John Wagner & Alan Grant (as T.B. Grover); Artist: Brian Bolland; Letters: Tom Frame Plot summary Part of a guided tour to the Hall… Continue reading Judge Dredd Snapshots: Judge Death Lives Part 1 (prog 224)

Judge Dredd Snapshots: The Return of Rico (Prog 30)

He-he ain’t heavy – he’s my brother! Judge Dredd Script: Pat Mills; Artist: Mike McMahon; Letters: Tony Jacob Plot summary A mysterious figure arrives as the Kennedy Space Port and tries to make contact with Joe Dredd, claiming to also be called Judge Dredd. Dredd immediately realises that Rico has returned. He returns to his… Continue reading Judge Dredd Snapshots: The Return of Rico (Prog 30)