Terminator: Salvation – Some things I need to get off my chest (SPOILERS)

I saw Terminator Salvation on Saturday. What can I say? I had time to kill. Anyway, here are a few things I really need to get off my chest. Don’t read anything else if you’re planning to watch this pile of poo: If you are about to coordinate an assault on the enemy, don’t blab… Continue reading Terminator: Salvation – Some things I need to get off my chest (SPOILERS)

BNP voters come in two flavours: scum and idiots

The one thing that has been worse than the BNP winning two seats in the European Parliament today has been the endless hand-wringing and excuses made on behalf of the electorate by mainstream politicians. Last night, the Tories, Lib Dems and Labour were queueing up to come up with excuses for why so many people… Continue reading BNP voters come in two flavours: scum and idiots

This blog doesn’t make polling predictions, but if it did…

…they’d be pretty sucky. My roundup of polls on Wednesday turned out to be pretty flaky. I’d like to use the excuse that I was only reporting them, not endorsing them, but that’s for the birds. First of all, turnout: Mat B correctly predicted that YouGov were probably over-estimating and he was spot on. This… Continue reading This blog doesn’t make polling predictions, but if it did…