Pulling off The Watchmen (SPOILERS)

I’ve been meaning to write a post about the upcoming Watchmen film and comic book films for ages. Having just read the first chapter of Dave Gibbons’ memoir of his experiences drawing the comic, Watching the Watchmen, I’ve finally decided to put finger to keyboard. For a lot of us avid comic book fans, especially… Continue reading Pulling off The Watchmen (SPOILERS)

Roy Lichenstein and Adam West have a lot to answer for

An interesting-ish article on comic book films in today’s Times, but why is Dominic Wells’ piece headlined “Kapow! The new film superheroes.” The use of sound effects in the headline on an article in a national newspaper about comics is an inside joke. Either Wells and/or his sub-editor are unaware of this, or they are… Continue reading Roy Lichenstein and Adam West have a lot to answer for