How to sell Ming

As I’ve got myself into deep water for being critical of the defensive nature of the Campbell campaign, I feel I should point out an example of the right way to do it by Chris Davies MEP (whose backing counts for a lot in my book). Davies, a former marketing expert who has an excellent record in getting the media to cover that most ignored of subjects, the goings on in the European Parliament, has opted to brazenly sell the man, and not the team. That’s the way you do it, Nick.

Also, Tim Hames makes a good fist of an argument: Ming is a muppet, but he’s a good kind of muppet.


  1. As I’ve got myself into deep water for being critical of the defensive nature of the Campbell campaign

    You been bullied by Campbell’s political heavies, too? When this campaign is over I’m going to have some loud whining to do about that whole Jag question debacle.

  2. I wouldn’t go that far. I’m just being a drama queen, which is a blogger’s prerogative.

    You scored a palpable hit against Ming with the Jag Thing, but if there’s any justice it will rebound on Simon “diesel taxi” Hughes. 🙂

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