Happy Thargday!

Tomorrow is 2000AD’s 30th anniversary, and BBCi have done a piece on one of my favourite themes: how the world is turning into a Tharg-edited comic strip:

Imagine a society where cities blend into each other to form massive conurbations. Imagine a society where obesity is rife, mass unemployment is a fact of life and downtrodden citizens will do anything to become rich or famous.

Imagine a society in the grip of such chaos and crime that it is necessary to give law enforcers the power to punish offenders on the spot without a trial and where everyone is constantly surveyed by video cameras.

I was hoping my 10 Downing Street petition on 2000AD would have been approved by no, but despite having submitted it over a week ago, there is still no sign. Still, I’ll be celebrating tomorrow night by having a delicious meal of plastic cups whilst listening to my Captain Beefheart CD. Splundig vur thrigg!


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